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    SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator v7.0 Portable


    Gjinia : Male

    Numri i postimeve : 128

    Piket : 204

    Vendodhja : Kosova

    Reputacion : 0

    Data e hyrjes : 12/04/2010

    Hobi:: : Hacking

    rreth SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator v7.0 Portable

    Mesazh nga boot-screen1 Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:05 pm

    SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator v7.0 Portable

    Top internet accelerator (according to PC Magazine), a network settings optimizer to speed up your existing Dial-Up Modem, DSL, Cable, Wireless, LAN, High-speed internet connections.

    SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is a powerful Windows application designed to optimize your network connection and speed up all your internet activities. This translates into a faster internet connection, faster browsing and email, faster downloads, faster online gaming, improved Skype connection.

    The speed of your network connection doesn't just depend on the speed of your hardware. Windows is an operating system that is designed to work on a variety of different hardware and network setups. Because of the abstract nature of the operating system, it cannot be optimized for user-specific hardware setups. Depending on the type of network connection you have, you might be able to tweak your connection so that the speed of your Internet, as well as your local area network, will be faster. By changing the System Registry and optimizing the TCP/IP parameters, SpeedConnect can fine-tune the values to take advantage of more reliable, faster Internet connections.

    SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is designed to optimize the network tcp/ip settings and speed up all your internet related activities including browsing, downloading, uploading, streaming, online gaming, sending and receiving email. SpeedConnect Quick Optimizer mode provides the fastest way to speed up your connection. Experienced users get total control in advanced mode, which provides manual access to all settings.


    SpeedConnect prevents fragmentation in data transfer using the TCP/IP protocols used on the Internet, greatly increasing the connection throughput and the download/upload speeds (Kbps).

    Because Windows default network settings have general values and are not optimized for a specific internet connection type, SpeedConnect software calculates, optimize and safely change several network related settings to known optimized values, in a recursive process, until it discovers the best settings for your specific connection. Basically, SpeedConnect applies optimized network settings values which will prevent the data packets fragmentation and will speed up your connection. All this translates into faster web browsing, faster e-mail, faster downloads and improved overall Internet performance.


    -- FASTER internet connection
    -- Browse FASTER
    -- Send and receive e-mail FASTER
    -- Download and upload files FASTER
    -- Play online games FASTER
    -- Improve Skype connection
    -- NO adware, NO hardware installation
    -- NO service subscription, NO monthly fees
    -- NO new hardware installation


    -- Optimizes all internet connection types
    -- User friendly
    -- Quick Optimizer option
    -- Advanced Customization
    -- Tool and Wizards
    -- Load/Save Settings
    -- Optimization Report
    -- Connection Analyzer

    SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator
    ... is a powerful, easy-to-use network optimizer for Windows, developed to boost your Internet connection speed. SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator optimizes several system and network related settings for any internet connection type: Modem/Dial-Up, LAN, Cable, xDSL, ISDN, T1, Wireless, Satellite.

    (Optimizer & Connection Tester) Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to run.
    Optimized for Windows®️ Vista™️ and XP.

    Link Download

      Ora është Fri Nov 22, 2024 11:48 am